WealthTalk - money, wealth and personal finance.

Build Wealth Through Sustainable Investing w/ Raquel Queral

Episode Summary

Often it is a misconception that sustainable and ethical investing means little or no profits. We interviewed Raquel Queral, a property investor and developer who believes you can look after people, the planet and your profits. Raquel’s company, RQT Property Investments Ltd have built up a sizeable, high-yielding, property portfolio of Buy to Lets and specialise in High End HMO's and Co-living spaces. Her organisation has raised over £12m of investment, made over £1.2m in profit for investors and housed over 1,000 individuals.

Episode Notes

Did you know that you can invest ethically and still grow your wealth?

Often it is a misconception that sustainable and ethical investing means little or no profits. We interviewed Raquel Queral, a property investor and developer who believes you can look after people, the planet and your profits.

Raquel’s company, RQT Property Investments Ltd have built up a sizeable, high-yielding, property portfolio of Buy to Lets and specialise in High End HMO's and Co-living spaces. Her organisation has raised over £12m of investment, made over £1.2m in profit for investors and housed over 1,000 individuals.

With new sustainability regulations being put in place by the government, tune in to find out how you can look after people, the planet and your profits!


Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

>> Connect with Raquel Queral [LinkedIn]

>> Save £500 and get 3 Free Gifts - WealthBuilders Self Study Course

>> WT009: The Wheel Of Wealth

>> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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Episode Transcription

Unknown Speaker  0:01  

The purpose of wealth talk is to educate, inform, and hopefully entertain you on the subject of building your wealth. Wealth builders recommends you should always take independent financial tax or legal advice before making any decisions around your finances.


Christian Rodwell  0:19  

Welcome to Episode 154 of wealth talk. My name is Christian Rodwell, the membership director for wealth builders and I'm joined today by our founder, Kevin Whelan. Hi, Kevin winters deescalate strike back from holiday. How was it?


Unknown Speaker  0:33  

It was great. I went to you know, like various places that have never been before. So I went to the gastronomy, capital of Spain. Okay, where my son Luca Barrameda, the barmaid as practising my Spanish wasn't too great. I have to admit, because Spanish guests today


Christian Rodwell  0:51  

it very, very onpoint. And on theme we do indeed. So yesterday, we will be chatting with Rachael corral. And Raquel is the green landlady. So she is all about sustainability. So within property, so we're going to be talking about that and kind of have a green theme. Because yeah, obviously that's really important and more and more so as we move forward. Now into the future. Everything is obviously more sustainable and carbon neutral. So yeah, absolutely reckless,


Unknown Speaker  1:21  

whether whether you're into property or not. Whether you're an investor, whether you're pillars, pension, whether you're in business, whatever you're doing, whether you're creating joint ventures or even IP, there's a whole theme now around green sustainability, environmentally friendly, all of those things, which are just watchwords in the way the world is going. So it's an epochal change. It's fundamental change. So I think we need to get with it. I think it's the first one. Have we focused on? Yeah, not everything. So yeah, maybe we could get a little theme going. Yeah,


Christian Rodwell  1:56  

we're both driving our electric car. So we're doing our bit. Yes,


Unknown Speaker  2:00  

mine's called Evie Davina and yours. Yeah, I haven't got a Tesla,


Christian Rodwell  2:06  

Tony The Tesla. Anyway, quick reminder, because last week's episode was all about the wealth builders self study programme, the course that we have now released it. So if you're listening to this episode, around the time of release, we're actually running a an offer a discount. So that's only valid for a few days. So do head to wealth builders.co.uk forward slash, self study all one word, and go and check it out. It's it's our fault Academy programme just without coaching. So it's self guided is an opportunity to learn all of the lessons that we've talked about on the podcast, and, and yeah, still get that support from the community and from, you know, lots and lots of different areas. But without that one to one coaching.


Unknown Speaker  2:50  

Yeah, look, I want to say something about that, Chris, because I think there were a couple of aspects that were concerning me about it. One was, you know, I believe in the power of good guidance, where someone who has knowledge can help you get to a different place, faster, safer, more enjoyably. Now, give you a parallel, had a wonderful experience in Spain. And learning more about there's a celebration of what's known as Manzanita, which is a Spanish sherry. Now, I didn't realise how complex Spanish Sherry was, until I sought the advice of a guide, who not just took us on a tour around all the different ways of doing it. Talk to us about how old the bowels moved how the different fortifications, of sharing the different tastings and naturally added tasting or to not say yes, it would be, but it's so much more enjoyable when somebody knows what they're doing guide you through it. Yeah, I could have read a book. Yeah, I could have just got a guide book, but I didn't. And I don't like to do it that way. I like proper guidance. So I believe in the power guidance. I think results are better, for all sorts of reasons. However, we know, money is precious. The programme we have is accessible. But we wanted to make it more accessible. So more people gave it a go. So they could follow our roadmap, the step by step process anybody could take to create financial independence for themselves. We didn't want money to get in the way. So we thought we'd give them a good taster. Some might then go on and discover Yes, I would like to be guided but I've got enough to get me going. Others will guide themselves and there's nothing wrong with that. As long as they realise there isn't any coaching. But there is good support from the community and a whole range of other things like access to me and you in groups as opposed to individually in support. Definitely.


Christian Rodwell  4:49  

And you know, we've have an excellent team of wealth coaches. And we know as you say that results are always better when you've got a guide. However, for those reasons, we've we've launched The self study programme this week. So yeah, wealth builders.co.uk forward slash self study. Go there, check it out, see if that's something you'd like to join us on. And Jay, you get access to both of us every month monthly. Cool. Yeah. Cool. Okay, then. So, back on to today's episode. And probably, let's just get into the conversation with Rachael and then we'll come back and debrief afterwards.


Unknown Speaker  5:21  

Why don't we do that?


Christian Rodwell  5:23  

Raquel, welcome to our talk today. How are you?


Unknown Speaker  5:25  

Very good. Thank you, Chrissy. And thank you for having me on.


Christian Rodwell  5:28  

Great to have you on Raquel. And for those that don't know you, you're known as the Green landlady. And this is because of your passion for sustainability in property, but also looking after the people looking after the planet. And we're going to talk about all the different ways that those things can come together today. But I know that for the past 10 years, Raquel, you've raised over 12 million pounds of investment money, and made 1.2 million pounds of profit for your investors and housed over 1000 individuals. So firstly, congratulations for that be really interesting to find out kind of where that all began. And with your property company, our cutie, you aspire to lead the way into sustainable private rental accommodation. So your vision is all about inspiring every landlord to become more sustainable and earning yourself as I said the name the green landlady. So let's talk about sustainability, then Raquel, and why are you so passionate about this?


Unknown Speaker  6:20  

Well, I see a world Christiana where absolutely every single person in the world has access to a sustainable and healthy house, regardless of how much their income is. There is a misconception that sustainability can only be done at a higher end level. But actually, I truly believe and that this is what my mission is just to lead that transition. Because it is something that we are all entitled to have. And once you've lived in a sustainable home, do not want to go back is like going back to the pre internet days. Who would want to do that?


Christian Rodwell  6:55  

Yeah, yeah. So just to keep things super simple for someone perhaps, who's just really not quite sure. What is a sustainable home? What are some of the most like common things that you're talking about here?


Unknown Speaker  7:08  

As sustainable home is not just about booting gadgets? I mean, sustainability talks always about a circular economy where there's less waste, there's less, less waste on the build, where they are actually building materials that are actually more recycles is about looking as to how the house actually look how the house breathe, just to make it as natural as possible. Really, that's what we're talking about, and something that can be there for years and years on end. So this is what we are talking when we're talking about sustainability, we talking a healthier house, with a lot of ventilation with a lot of insulation, so it's a warm, so you don't waste your money on actually heating up the environment.


Christian Rodwell  7:50  

Yeah, so so it's really many different aspects of play here. I suppose. It's not just you know, the comfort of living, right. So just having a more enjoyable space to live in. It's healthier, obviously, the government we know a bringing in some regulation. So it's something that we're all going to be having to make changes to especially any landlords now, what are some of those changes that are upcoming Rachael?


Unknown Speaker  8:12  

Well, the government is actually planning in front 2025 non new homes they intentions are then no new homes are actually going to be able to have gas boilers and for instance, and from 2028, people will not be able to retrofit those gas boilers into homes. So that means that if you're a landlord and you have to change in your boiler just broke down in 2028, what you're going to do, you know, it's going to cost you a fortune to just find a substitute or just do something. So the message here is Don't bury your hand on your head on the sand, just act now just have a have a plan in place and then incorporate the sustainability into your homes, little by little, you don't have to spend all the money all up front and you can just do little by little and upgrade your houses at a slower pace in order to be able to be ready for the when the regulations come. Because they are coming like you know winter is coming. logins or friends or no, it is coming.


Christian Rodwell  9:17  

Yeah. So we're obviously on wealth talk today. So we're going to be looking at you know, any investors any buy to let property people listening now, some of the things that they can be starting to make changes to because in the long term as you said, it actually will save them money and make them money. So whilst it might be a little bit of upfront cost, they have to be thinking longer term here, right?


Unknown Speaker  9:39  

That's correct. Yes, we looking at what people don't realise is that they only see when they looking at system and sustainability and properties they looking at how much does it cost? They are not looking at the long term picture of how much they're saving. just for argument's sake. If you were to instal an Air Source Heat Pump now I'm okay, yes, it could cost a lot of money, but you have grants out there to actually help you with the spy straightaway. And to decarbonize your heating. The then what happened on to that is that you have annual savings, an air source, it does not have does not need an annual certificate, which you are saving already 85 pounds on, it doesn't have a servicing it doesn't normally break down. I mean, if you were to compare it to how many how many times have you actually service your fridge?


Christian Rodwell  10:30  

Yep, rarely.


Unknown Speaker  10:34  

So this is what we're talking about. The thing is, you're installing these new decarbonization, efficiency measures. And the you just kind of like, it's, it's pretty much like you instal them, and then just forget about it, you know, so there's loads of things that that go along with it that actually are going to disappear. There is a lot of trades that are going to have to change and amend to what's going to happen was the new role when a good luck look like?


Christian Rodwell  11:02  

Yeah, yeah. So perhaps in a minute, Raquel, we can go through a bit of a checklist, you know, what are some of the things that people can start to go through? Now, in addition to a couple of things you've mentioned already, but where did this all really begin? How did you begin to learn about this for yourself? I know, we said that at the beginning, they have been investing for over 10 years. But you know, were you on the sustainability tip right from the beginning? Or is this something is this kind of come up more more recently for you?


Unknown Speaker  11:27  

No, I guess I was a, I was a very impressionable, 18 years old, when I actually went to Germany and discovered recycling. I work for these hotel, trying to learn my degrees in tourism and foreign languages. So I just went to learn how to manage a hotel. And I ended up being faced with this thing called recycling and then just being an exposed to loads of technologies. I love travelling, and therefore over the years, I've just tried to understand where everything was going to be made, how things were made, how was they helping, how he was helping the environment. So for me, it was I was always using it. And always, my mum always taught me when you do things you do to the best of your abilities. So that's if I already knew that solar panels were good, then obviously, why not include them on my bills, you know, so I've always included them, but my passion for property actually just seemed of being becoming homeless, which is something that I've never spoken about. And he's only recently that I've started to just share the I ended up on the street at the age of 23. And what happened is that I have no fault of my own. I have rented out a room in a shared accommodation. And I was thinking, when I was thinking that my key person was playing paying the landlord, where we happen to be is that no, that person just kept the money. So because of that, my landlord evicted us he didn't want to listen to anything. So he evicted us completely and left us on the street. So because of that, then obviously I realised, well, this is wrong. First of all, you need to listen to your tenant, you can't just put them on the street for no reason. Second of all, we need to eradicate all of these system, this system is just wrong. So that's why and I just promised that when I was when I had my own property, Empire as I call it, then I wanted to, I wanted to make sure that I put tenants at the forefront of everything. So everything was in order to just make sure that they would be the first one.


Christian Rodwell  13:31  

Yeah, and, you know, to have an empire there. But you've certainly built up a portfolio that gives you that freedom, that lifestyle now, and you know, that cash flow income that so many people are looking for that recurring income stream? So you know, more recently, we've obviously just been through the COVID period. How did that impact you and again, shape your sustainable future?


Unknown Speaker  13:54  

Well, it was very interesting because it was thanks to COVID that I realised how important it was to actually tell the world about making things sustainable and making them right. It was in 2021 when the Greenland lady was actually born. I looked at Yes, I was successful. Yes, I was making money. Yes, I was doing everything but the property will has lost for me have lost the soul. And I needed to I need to I wanted to do something that he was more meaningful. I wanted to do something that it really made a change and made a difference on people's lives. And then that's when I realised and I decided actually I need to come out and talk about this.


Christian Rodwell  14:37  

Yeah, and you've got you know, you're building your brand now so anyone can go and watch your videos on YouTube and you know, he as you say, speak about this with with great passion, but you're working with investors, right so on a day to day basis week to week you're working with investors tell us a little bit about the work and you know, how you finding properties and how he then kind of stripping them back and making them is really nice new properties for people to live in.


Unknown Speaker  15:02  

Yeah, I think is important when you are working with investors, it's important that you find people that is aligned with your values. So the majority of the people that I work with, they want to do things the right way. So it's very easy to attract investors, when you are talking about doing things right from the very beginning, doing in a sustainable way. So it's helping the planet. So that's the first, I do a lot of networking as any other one as any other investor would do. But I also get a lot of people from word of mouth, because they've worked with me that someone has worked with me, and they've been recommended me. Now when it comes to choosing my trades. I am very careful yet again, not to find the builder that just thinks that will thinks that always done this way. Well, no, not really. But I need you to change with me. So I'm working with an amazing team of people that actually have the same values and share the values of actually that wanting to do things well. So we try to, yes, we rip everything back to break. And then we start from the very, very skeleton of the house, and then we build it back in. Yeah, so I'm working with people that is really keen on actually do things the right way. And they are very open minded. When I say to them, we need to minimise waste, we need to, I mean, just to give you a little statistics to so that you understand cement and the building obstruction. It represents basically the biggest carbon emissions too, if you read any of the books that are out there, they're talking about 31% of the carbon emissions comes from actually, just from the construction industry, when you think that transport is only 11%, then that gives you a massive perspective as to how bad we are in the industry. So it's not all about making brand new houses, which is very easy to make a brand new house sustainable and eco. And eco is actually retrofitting the legacy that we have. And that's where the big, big, big issues are. Because in the UK, the majority of Victorian houses, period houses, they're very, very hard to just bring them back to carbon neutral. And that's where the majority of our efforts must be put into just to make sure that all these beautiful houses and actually also sustainable and as much as possible. Really.


Christian Rodwell  17:30  

Yeah. So that's probably a good point for us to kind of start going through and thinking okay, well, what are some of those first few things that someone who listening right now who's maybe got some buy to let or even HMOs and heat loss surveys? Let's start there, shall we? So what would that involve?


Unknown Speaker  17:47  

Well, a heat loss firm, it just means that someone which is that is more specialised for domestic energy assessors is, is is high up on that system anyway, they will come to your house, and they will just do a fall and very, very thorough survey. And this could be like three, four or five hours. I mean, I remember in my own home, it was like 12 hours. And I thought it was a bit of a joke. At the beginning, I thought which 12 hours would you doing. And they measure every single window, every single room every single crummy space that you have, because they want to assess whether your house is actually being efficient or non efficient. So if we have a lot of losses, if you're need insulation in your windows, if you don't have insulation on your floors, it will all be picked up. And then from there on, they will give you recommendations as to what you're supposed to


Christian Rodwell  18:42  

be doing. Yeah. And we're familiar with EPCs, you know, for someone, maybe not a property owner, but we're talking here about people renting property as well, right when they're looking at properties, and they're looking at the EPCs. You know, what, what information should they be taking from that?


Unknown Speaker  19:00  

As a tenant, the higher the EPC, the lower your bills is as simple as that. As an owner, the higher your EPC, the better mortgages you're going to end up having as a owner who doesn't give a shit, the lower you EPC then obviously the worse your tenants, you are endangering your tenants to actually end up having problems like asthma. You know, you you're putting your tenants at risk of health issues. You're putting at risk your tenants for many ways, and also obviously, you are not you letting your property become an albatross around your neck. So proceed to an investment.


Christian Rodwell  19:41  

Yeah. Okay. So heat loss survey definitely should be one of the first things to consider. Then what about draught proofing, windows, doors, all of these things?


Unknown Speaker  19:50  

Yeah, this will be I mean, even before you do a full, full heat loss survey, you can do things like that you can just go around Your house and whatever you feel a little bit of a draft, just make sure that if you have wind of the drafting, and poutine, you can go, I mean, one of the very, very simple things is just as I said, it's just go around your house on a windy day, and then just put your hands around the windows, and then you will see if there's any, is any wind or any air coming in and out. Now, it is important that the buildings are ventilated. So it's not about just making sure that it's all airtight, because that air needs to be refreshing. And you know, that air needs to be moving along. So, you know, making sure that trickle events are open, making sure that you open your windows, even in winter, just 10 minutes a day, you know, just to refresh that quality of the air inside your home is extremely important, I cannot emphasise especially on HMOs. And columns in space is so important that they open that window terminates just every window in the house 10 minutes, just 10 minutes open every day, and then the amount of mould that you would get will just suddenly decrease. And you have to understand this because in HMOs, or CO living spaces, people are constantly living in those spaces. In HMOs people live inside their home, they hang their clothes against the home, in, in the bedrooms, they they just do everything they eat inside the bedrooms, they do everything inside the bedrooms, which means that it's not only the heat that you do keys out, but it's also the heating the clothes, the cooking everything in that just increases the humidity inside. And if you have great windows which don't let anything out, that's fine. But then you're gonna, you're gonna create mould the straightaway, if you don't air that bathroom on a regular basis on CO living spaces where the idea is for people to actually just be more inside is encouraged people is encouraged to actually socialise in the living areas in the communal areas, then this is still applicable. Because not, you know, people complain about mould. But it's as simple as well instal a dryer in your house. But obviously dryers are not very heated. They're not very sustainable, are they? You know, the idea is just to hang your clothes, just go back to the grandmas all day when you just put your clothes outside. But people don't do that. So there is a balance. And that's why I say, you know, I'm not asking to everybody to take a holistic vision of what ideally should be done, but obviously adapted to your own needs as an investor. And then make sure that you provide those facilities for your for your tenants. So if you see that your tenants are getting a lot of mould, well, perhaps you should instal a dryer.


Christian Rodwell  22:50  

Okay, and then let's talk about like heating. Obviously, this is a major area. So looking at your existing heating, what are some simple things that anybody can do straight away.


Unknown Speaker  23:01  

Some of the simplest things that you can do when it comes to heating is for instance, if you live in a Victorian house, there is a pound sheets that you just put behind the radiators, and literally to just hang them off the radiators. And what happened is that suddenly your radiator is not heating up the wall, suddenly that the radiator is actually being reflected on those sheets, and then the heat goes back inside. That's eight pounds, I'm sure eight pounds at very, very easy to spend isn't him. So that's that's not a bad thing to the but all sorts of things, I mean infant rate pap is heating, for instance is the cheapest way of actually heating houses. But on the EPC is really bad regarded. So people are not doing but yet there are examples out there of whole villages for removing people from energy poverty, because of infrared heating. So, you know, there is there's loads of things that can be done, but the EPC might not recognise it. So you are you trying to find a system that is broken straightaway.


Christian Rodwell  24:12  

Yeah, yeah, no, I like those reflective sheets and I guess just bleeding the radiators, things like that as well regularly.


Unknown Speaker  24:18  

Just make sure that you've lived over a year radiators on an annual basis. Just make sure that you put the right cooling inside. There is a cooling coming up on the market. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to tell you the name of the brand. But there is a cooling that if you actually put that cooling liquid inside the Euro caters the effectiveness of those radiators just suddenly gets increased by 40%. And so is huge is huge. Making sure that you know exactly you're in terms of energy, making sure that your windows are as tight as possible that you don't have energy that you have insulation. I mean, you're talking about energy efficiency, but you know, if you don't have the right insulation then And that again, that's a super cheap way of actually getting your money back.


Christian Rodwell  25:04  

Yeah, yeah. And where does underfloor heating fit into a sustainable property?


Unknown Speaker  25:10  

Well, when you are looking at a bigger one you are prepared and you're ready to you have a super tight, airtight house, then you then look into starting to put air source heat pumps or ground source heat pumps, which would be the idea that scenario. Now, ground source heat pumps are very restricted in terms of where you can fit them because of the amount of because of the boreholes the distance needs to be from because of a technical question as to when you can have it or not. But the ideal scenario is you have one of these air source heat pumps or ground source heat pumps, and then you have you get installed on the floor heating, as long as the floor has been insulated, obviously, otherwise you just insulating the floor itself. But yeah, and is the idea is to have a constant heating up the house, obviously, to just having picks up and down. So it works best. And the floor heating works best when he's just said to have a low temperature. And he's just left there on a constant basis.


Christian Rodwell  26:10  

Okay, so that's some of the things inside the property, all about outside of the property, what are some areas quick fixes that people can look at?


Unknown Speaker  26:19  

Well, again, just clearing your gutters making sure it's, you know, making sure that you have all your vents are clean. And this is something that all your air vents, especially on Victorian houses and period houses, you will have air brakes, and people tend to think, Oh, this is all stuff that doesn't need to be here. So they tend to either break over in it or just not clean it. And it's kind of like, why would you do that, you know, the house needs to breathe. So making sure that all those areas that are actually clean, making sure that you don't have to any windows are repaired externally as well. And if you go on the floor, if you want to go on the ceiling, I would recommend to absolutely every single person in the world, just put yourself a solar system, just put PV on your on your roofs is not expensive, is very, very cheap. And okay, you don't get paid a lot from the government. But you do get paid a little bit to just export some of that. Some of that excess electricity, so you don't have to have a battery. I'm not a big fan of batteries. So just fit your solar system. Use whatever you use, and then just let it go.


Christian Rodwell  27:28  

Yeah, yeah, I've heard you talk before about this being one of the best saw returns on on your money. And some of our members as well have installed it. And you know, seen absolutely fantastic returns within just a few years. So


Unknown Speaker  27:40  

yeah, 12% Where do you get 12%? On your money? Hello? Definitely not on Santander or any of the high street banks.


Christian Rodwell  27:48  

Yeah, so solar panels, absolutely new. So technology is changing, things are very different now than perhaps they were five years ago, right. So people should go out there, do their research and see what's available.


Unknown Speaker  27:59  

Exactly the technology that we are going to use they talking, you know, the the government has big targets reducing to carbon zero by 2050. All of these, they, they need to have green electricity. You know, they think the green electricity, I was having talks with Nottingham University just few weeks ago, and they were very, very positive that we will achieve green electricity by 2035, which it will be amazing to do so. So although people see electricity as a bad thing, it's actually the one of the main I also believe that is one of the main things that he's going to get us to that carbon zero. Because yes, like all the power, all the heat pumps, all the computers, everything needs electricity. But as long as you are providing your own, you know, you have your own system on your roof, and you are providing enough. And if you have big fields, then you can have a system that actually just like a mini solar farm to just make sure that you cover yourself completely. And then, you know, so if there is a massive demand for electricity, but it is also a massive push from the government to actually just create just make us all many, many farms, maybe solar farms in our own groups, and it is definitely the best money that you will spend for a long time. Yeah, yeah.


Christian Rodwell  29:19  

So I guess just kind of wrapping all of that up together. Racquel. Hopefully today, we've helped anyone listening now who's in property, who's an investor, who's looking at this long term to see that there are real benefits here in cost savings, but also just creating nicer environments for their tenants and their tenants are going to stay there for longer right. So that means less headaches, less voids.


Unknown Speaker  29:40  

Absolutely. I mean, let me give you some numbers for you for instance, yeah, so that you can understand the benefits. For instance, I might have to send to be the most expensive houses in their in their street. Yeah, wherever they wherever we go. They're the most expensive in my area of interest, a three bedroom house. Just Normally rents for about anything between 1000 to 1200 pounds. My house is actually been rented out at 1600 pounds, that's 400 pounds of straightaway more than anyone else. Why am I tenants dedicated? Yes, of course they are dedicated, they know that the bills are going to be a lot cheaper. So they saving not only on bills, but also they are saving in long terms have qualities and also for anyone out there that said, you know, we have missed IMS, the Renewable Heat Incentive I truly do, because assist them worth 27,000 pounds, they only cost me 101,500 pounds because of the seven year return on the money. So we want that system. We want to be able to do that. But even without that system in place, you can still as a business you can apply for grants the government is really in favour of sustainability is hot topic. Just you know, just talk to us talk to people who is in the field and you will know how to improve your houses. You don't have to spend lots of money. You just need to spend the money in the right places. That's


Christian Rodwell  31:12  

all Yeah, so Raquel, someone listening now who really has got a bug they want to start making some changes? How can they connect with you and find out more and contact you if they'd like to speak to you further.


Unknown Speaker  31:26  

But Christiane, I'm always online so they can always find me in Instagram is normally the best place to get me on. But as I that you can also give me on LinkedIn and Facebook, you can send me a private message to Raquel at the Greenland lady.com. And then I will join you on to a monthly webinars where you can learn a little bit more about what can you do and how you can do it. And if you just feed on the subject wealth talk, then I know that they're coming from you and I know that they are really interested on actually joining us revolution special


Christian Rodwell  32:01  

attention. Yeah, thank you so much. Well, thanks for doing all the great work that you do, Raquel and for sharing with us today on wealth talk.


Unknown Speaker  32:08  

Thank you so much for your time, Christiane, have a lovely evening. Bye.


Christian Rodwell  32:13  

Okay, so a thank you to Raquel there for sharing wonderful insights before you and I dive into that a bit deeper. Kevin, let's head to Trustpilot and see who's left us a lovely review this week. And I'm looking at one from Patrick Patrick says having followed Kevin Whelan and team since 2018, I finally took action in 2021 to create my wealth building super compounding vehicle, which is the SAS and the guidance and training I have received was best in class efficient and comprehensive. I have to highlight my Sass mentor Brian Harvey, for being a fantastic guide. And soundboard to my ideas and questions. standing on the shoulders of giants and connecting with an organisation that carries such a strong ethos on supporting mentees succeed has been life changing. I'm gonna pause for thought there. Wow. Thanks, Patrick.


Unknown Speaker  33:06  

Yeah, shoulders of giants, because you know, I'm only five was good fun, though. And it's good to know. I mean, that was interesting to me about that review more than anything else. been following us since 2018. And took action and 2021 Nothing wrong with that. I don't mind if people follow us and then try and get into our ethos, try and get into our values. And talking about values. Raquel, absolutely all about values, right? Long term sustainability, creating a set of values for yourself, the set of values for tenants, a set of values for investors, she lives her life through a set of values. And I can only applaud her for that.


Christian Rodwell  33:51  

Yeah. So picking up on that long term. And this really ties into the whole wealth building mindset, isn't it that this is not a quick fix. And Raquel was saying often the misconception is it's going to cost a lot of money. Now am I really going to see a return, but things are changing technology is moving quickly. It's not as expensive now to instal some of these really smart ideas into your home. And it's about thinking long term. So thinking long term in terms of you know, your profits, but also that relationship again, with your tenants. Because if it's a nice home and they'll stay there longer, you'll have less voids or ties their profits planet people. Yep. Well, that's that's our tagline. Absolutely. And, you know, no wonder she's really forging away now as the Greenland lady. And so yeah. What else? Yeah, I think return on impact was something you wanted to pick up on, Kevin? Yeah,


Unknown Speaker  34:42  

I think, you know, we talked about our allies a lot. One of those being return on investment. But when you're an investor, and she talked about working with investors as well, one of the great things most powerful things you can do to attract investors, is to show them that you're doing Good business, and business, that's good for something else. She's doing green sustainable business, which means if that has an impact, and you share that value, you're more likely to then want to follow her more likely to want to interact with her to invest with her to build a relationship with her. And I think that's smart. And it also means that everybody who is in her ecosystem is sharing those same values. And, you know, I think that's a great thing to do. And look, the world's changing inexorably won't be too long before, you can't have any new builds at all. With gas boilers. You know, that's all changing. And there's so many more ways that you can make a home, particularly if you're a landlord, more cost effective. You can use solar panels, you can use reflective infrared. In fact, some of our wealth builder clients, Chris have got homes where there's no radiators at all, because you don't need it. Because if you can build infrared, into your walls and into your floors, you can get a fantastic source of heat, which takes up zero space, which means you've got more room for people to enjoy the space. And also you can control the lighting, you can control the heating, you can control everything through apps. So it means you can keep the home safe, sound secure, you know all and everything to do with the PCs, and all the hints and tips that she gave, you can do now. But if you're looking to convert things, and so many of our property, students are moving from Commercial to Residential, where they're converting property, which is probably old, built in decades ago, in some cases, even 100 years ago. And they can convert those into new style properties that can make them enormously beneficial, not just for themselves, not just for the tenants, but good for society as well.


Christian Rodwell  36:58  

And I know education is really important for recal, as well. And it's the first step in the wheel of wealth that we teach, obviously, inside our academy programme. And it was way back in episode nine, actually, when we covered the wheel of wealth, Kevin, so for anyone listening now maybe wasn't with us right at the beginning, do check back episode nine, I'll put a link to that in today's show notes, we'll talk through what that will wealth involves and why it's so important. But education is always the beginning point there. And we see so many of our members and clients, Kevin that are on that property journey, you know, and after a few years, they turn the wheel a few times, they really know what they're doing, that built that momentum. And they naturally want to start giving back. And we see that all the time. And I think that's the case with Raquel as well. And if you can find your niche and to stand out, because you know, there's a lot of competition out there. Just really crafting your story. And again, that's something that we help our members with, isn't it and that's a different kind of IP, then they're creating Well, that's,


Unknown Speaker  37:52  

that's another pillar and it's also return on IP. So it's another return return on intellect. It's the return on the not just you sharing that knowledge, but also you're building your own knowledge, which you can then repackage repurpose, and turn it into books, courses, materials, all sorts of different ways. So very powerful way. Once you decided and we talked about this in business as well, you have to be very clear on your niche, become outstanding in your niche, make the business work without you. She's not there, doing the work. The work is being done by carefully and tastefully crafting properties that will be long term sustainable. So I think it's a great episode, Chris.


Christian Rodwell  38:33  

Yeah. And hopefully we'll get some good feedback. And then perhaps we can continue on the green theme over coming weeks and invite some other guests to


Unknown Speaker  38:41  

switch into my my sort of my cabins not the sherry cabins, but into my intellectual cabins and see if I can pull one out for somebody who's done something that I think is impactful as well, both green, sustainable or environmentally friendly. And we'll invite them to guest as well. So if you're out there, by the way, and you've done something like that, then let us know and we can invite you to become a guest as well at some point in the future.


Christian Rodwell  39:06  

Absolutely. And a final reminder, if you'd like to join us inside wealth builders training, our academy programme then self study programme is out today. And we're running a discount for the next few days. So if you're listening around the release of this episode, head to wealth builders.co.uk forward slash self study. And yeah, go and check it out. Yeah,


Unknown Speaker  39:26  

so looking forward to working with more new members and helping them grow their wealth in the fastest, safest, most enjoyable way possible, Chris, thanks for a good episode today.


Christian Rodwell  39:37  

Right? It's okay, we'll catch up Same time, same place next week,


Unknown Speaker  39:39  

Dustin Waco.


Unknown Speaker  39:44  

We hope you enjoy today's episode. Don't forget that we are constantly updating our resources inside the wealth builders membership site to help you create, build and protect your wealth. Head over to wealth builders.co.uk/membership right now for free access. That's wealth. builders.co.uk/membership