WealthTalk - money, wealth and personal finance.

The First Time Buyers Key To Unlocking Home Ownership w/ Andy Haynes

Episode Summary

In this episode, we're diving deep into the world of home ownership, especially for first-time buyers in the UK. Award-winning property investor, Andy Haynes joins us to unlock the secrets and strategies that can make your dream of owning a home a reality. Discover the practical steps and insights that will guide you on your path to becoming a homeowner, even in today's competitive market. Andy emphasises the importance of financial literacy and proactive planning when it comes to one of the most significant investments you'll make in your lifetime. Plus, we'll discuss how teaching these principles to the next generation can shape a brighter financial future for all. Tune in to gain practical insights, challenge conventional thinking, and embark on your journey towards home ownership.

Episode Notes

In this episode, we're diving deep into the world of home ownership, especially for first-time buyers in the UK. 


Award-winning property investor, Andy Haynes joins us to unlock the secrets and strategies that can make your dream of owning a home a reality.


Discover the practical steps and insights that will guide you on your path to becoming a homeowner, even in today's competitive market. 


Andy emphasises the importance of financial literacy and proactive planning when it comes to one of the most significant investments you'll make in your lifetime. 


Plus, we'll discuss how teaching these principles to the next generation can shape a brighter financial future for all.


Tune in to gain practical insights, challenge conventional thinking, and embark on your journey towards home ownership.


Resources In This Episode:

>> Andy Haynes [LinkedIn]

>> Free Audio Sample: No More Rent: The First-Time Buyer's Key To Unlocking Home Ownership

>> No More Rent: The First-Time Buyer's Key To Unlocking Home Ownership [Amazon]

>> Petition: Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age


Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

>> Join the WealthBuilders Community

>> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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Episode Transcription

Unknown Speaker  0:01  

The purpose of wealth talk is to educate, inform, and hopefully entertain you on the subject of building your wealth. Wealth builders recommends you should always take independent financial tax or legal advice before making any decisions around your finances.


Unknown Speaker  0:19  

Welcome to Episode 222 of wealth talk. My name is Christian Rodwell, the membership director for wealth builders joined today by our founder Mr. Kevin Whalen. Hi, Kevin. Hi, Chris. Good to be with you. Again. three little ducks.


Unknown Speaker  0:32  

Yeah, I think we'd make that long. To be honest. When we started way back. I didn't think we get to 222. Interesting. I know. Well, next year, February will be our fifth year anniversary. Can you believe it? Don't stop picking out curtains. No.


Unknown Speaker  0:50  

No, no, I won't. I won't. Although I was putting up the Christmas tree at the weekend. So we're on the running now to another year saying goodbye to 2023 with Chris bitterly. December's here upon us. But we had our final get together, didn't we? Last week. We were up in Birmingham for our final meetup and fantastic to meet all of our members and a new people as well. So really, really great evening. Thank you to everyone who attended. Also, it's great to see some of the younger generation there as well, Lorna with her three children, although they're young adults now. Young adults. Yeah, the twins and Kirsty as well. And obviously, she was the smartboard I could tell.


Unknown Speaker  1:27  

But it's all good, fun, all interesting and really, really enjoyed it. We did. And that kind of leads on quite nicely to today's topic, which is all around what they're now naming is generation rank Kevin. So we've got Mr. Andy Haynes, whose wealth builder member and good friend of wealth builders, as our guest today, and and he's written a book which really tackles what you could say is a challenge. It's a problem for young people to be able to actually get their foot on the property ladder. Yeah, it is a very poignant point, actually, Chris, because my second son, Simon, was looking at the weekend, and getting excited, you know, with four or five properties looked at over a weekend and that excitement picks up but the emotion actually was part of his thesis when he did his property degree about the emotion and the psychology of the young first time buyers and he felt it himself. He felt the kind of internal pressure of looking at properties and Andy's right. Andy Haynes, great job friend of wealth builders, super, super nice guy, consummate professional, as you'll, you'll hear, so many of our younger people are either denied getting on the property market because property prices increased so much, or so many of them feel like they can't get on. And I think that's the point that Andy is raising. Yes. So let's not wait around. Let's head on to our conversation today with Mr. Andy Haynes. Okay, it's my pleasure today to welcome Mr. Andy Haynes to wealth talk. How are you, Andy? Yes, I'm very good. Thank you, Christiane. It's good to be here. Now, Andy, just before we get into today's conversation, let me read a quick introduction. So our listeners know a little bit about your background. And you've got a wealth of business experience behind you, Andy, ranging from senior retail career to car dealership management. And for many years, you're also a producer and presenter at the BBC, which has also since enabled you to have a successful career as a public speaker. And many of our listeners will be familiar with you, I'm sure. And nowadays, you're an award winning property investor, property trainer, and mentor, author, and broadcaster and you've got your own podcasts to, but not content with all of that. You're also a founder director at Bradley Haynes law, a full service solicitor firm based in Worcester. So there's a lot going on Andy, and today, we're really pleased to be welcoming you to talk about your brand new book, which is called no more rent. There it is, yeah, brand new book, no more rent. The reason why I wrote this book is that I've been investing in property Christian for a little while, when I worked at the BBC, I recognised and I loved that day job. But I recognised I didn't have enough money for my pension. And so if I could just get together my own little portfolio of properties, that would give me a residual type style income, that would be a great way that I could eventually retire. And I managed to do that which was very successful. But the big thing I recognised was that a lot of people today are in what we call generation rents that they don't ever think they could ever buy their own property. Property. Rents are so high, they can't say for deposits. And I decided to do something about this, because I wanted to really help them to realise that there is a way if they want to, and I think the thing about Generation Rent is that lots of communities are sort of talking people about they're only ever going to be renting, when in reality, there's lots of things that you can do to buy your own property. And the people I really want to help Christian are the people who a are probably ex service people. The reason for that is that they of course been served


Unknown Speaker  5:00  

In our country, but they've also been sort of very regimented way, sort of getting up doing going be told what to do most of the day, when they come out into main city life, they maybe don't know how they can get their own property and get onto the property ladder, maybe they don't know how to get their own jobs, what income they need to have to get a property, my book will help them for that as well. And the other thing I want to help people with Christian is I'm well aware that because of the gender pay gap, there's a lot of ladies that will struggle to buy their own property, because when you go for a mortgage, they will take your wage, and they multiply that by a factor of four or five, depending on the lender. And that determines the amount that you can borrow. Now, typically, ladies will earn less than men for doing the same job. And so therefore, that means they can borrow less money. And I don't think that's fair, my book actually helps ladies similarly, to better get onto the property ladder so that they can then start to have their own place. And you've had exposure to property for a long time. Andy, where does it go back to for you yourself? I started investing in a serious way back in 2002 2003, I had become an accidental landlord prior to that sort of mid 1990s. Unaware, though, that that's really what I was doing. But I consciously made an effort back in 2002, in order to grow my own portfolio whilst I was working at the BBC. And how do you see the difference between back then? And now in terms of the difficulties that exist for first time buyers? Because surely, property prices are just simply too high now, aren't they for first time buyers? It's true property prices are really high Christian, but then property prices have always been too high. I mean, going back to when I bought my own very first house, which actually I was fortunate to buy sort of, I don't know, 1983, nice and 84, something like that. And I remember the house just in ramp house is about 25,000. We're just slightly less than that. But the reason why using 20 25,000 When I bought that it was an awful lot of money. could I afford it? Well, probably not. But I knew I needed to get a foot on the ladder, I wanted to get a foot on the ladder, which is more important. But here's the point. I remember my uncle saying to me, Andy, how can you possibly afford 25,000 pounds, because the generation before when he bought his house, it was only 5000 pounds. And he thought that was the back then. So property prices are always more expensive. 5000 up to 25,000 was a huge jump for just one generation. That same property, by the way, Christian 25,000 is now worth nearly 300,000, this amazing how property prices have crept up over the years. So in the fact that property prices will always be stretched, they'll always be pushed up, we need to be creative and find new ways that we can get onto the property ladder, if we really want to want to do so. And I'm really aiming to help people to there are great ways that they can do it simple ways that they can do it. But they have got to have that inner self that they really want to get onto the property ladder because it isn't easy. But I know it is possible. Yeah. And there's some great statistics in the book that you've shared. I'll read a few of those out 46% of under 30 fives now renting from private landlords. 41% of the average couples income is spent on private rentals, and 23% of families living in private rented homes. So there's a real need for this information out there, Andy? Well, there's a few things to say on these please Christian because the one is, I'm not against renting. If people want to rent, that's absolutely fine. There's lots of benefit in people renting property, for example, any maintenance that needs doing on the property, you would get the landlord to cover that for you. If you're buying your own house, then of course, you would need me to find yours. So people, you know, the other great thing about renting is that you could be transient more, maybe you're on that career ladder, maybe you want to stay somewhere for six months, 12 months, 18 months, but then you want to move and freely move, just give a month's notice and be able to move to a different parts of the country. In fact, in different parts of the world if you want to. There's lots of benefits in renting, but are well aware that rents of course, are being pushed sky high. The reason why rents are going up and up and up is because there's not enough property out there. It's a simple case of supply and demand. And in effect, you know, if you're renting, I know for a fact that buying a property, even though you've got to maintain it yourself, the month the outgoing for a mortgage would be a lot less than if you are doing renting. So there's lots of benefits for people to want to get onto that property ladder. And of course, if you buy and hold it for a long enough amount of time, property prices, I've seen property prices will go up. So you will then have a net worth which is useful for you to leave as a legacy or maybe upsize your property in the future. Yeah, absolutely. I'm sure you know those people that are currently renting, but they aspire to buy their first property and they they understand the benefits that actually the mortgage may be less but the big problem, the big obstacle in their way is saving up that deposit. Do you have any tips or strategies as to how people might be able to, you know, to accelerate that process? Yeah, of course. I mean, the deposit is a big factor. And it will vary as to how much deposit you need to put down at any one time that's down to the mortgage lenders. And it's down to various government schemes that help there for example, there's lots of ways with ISIS and things like that currently, but that all makes sense.


Unknown Speaker  10:00  

As with new governments, there's lots of ways that government will help and support people, and currently deposits on a mortgage, you can get a mortgage for around 5%. Now, the more you can put down as a deposit will help you because you will get a better mortgage rate, if you can afford to put down more money as a deposit. And so the things I always say to people is, if you seriously want to get on onto the property ladder, there's a little bit of a balance because I'm well aware that you know, if we're, if we're younger, sort of in our 20s 30s, which is the average age, the first time buyers around 35, lots of us also want to have a life, we want to go out socialising, we want to go out and maybe finding partners and and do all those those kinds of things. I know I wanted to do that when I was at age two. But that comes out little fine balance of saying, Actually, maybe we can cut back on that a little bit. Because there's a whole new purpose. Now, I want to buy my own property, you'd be amazed as to how we can save quite a lot of money in I'm not suggesting you don't go out, I just mean cutting back on the ways that you go out, or the ways that you spend money, because there's no whole new purpose, you want to get your own property. So that's the first thing to do. We all pay out lots of money in subscriptions, do we really need to do that otherwise, we can do it for less money, which is another consideration as well. And I'm talking here about the cost of coffees and the Starbucks and those kinds of things. It's lovely going out socialising. But there are other ways that we can go and socialise sort of on a lesser budget to help save us some money. And then of course, the money that we're earning in our day jobs, you know, it's lovely, when hopefully we get an annual pay rise, that doesn't always happen. But when we do get a wage rise, we don't necessarily save that money, it just means that we just live slightly better. And you know, it just goes on various things. And it's about making that conscious effort to say, actually, I'm getting an extra 50 pounds a month, 100 pounds a month, whatever it is, let me know, deliberately save that. And that again, would soon mount up for people to have this little pot of money that they can put to one side, birthdays, those kinds of things. You know, maybe you put that towards your deposit for your property holidays, maybe you just take a slightly less a holiday. And you can save some of that money as well. It's about being conscious ways of finding deposits. Yes, absolutely. I guess having a clear plan and focusing on that I know the word focus is close to your heart with the forming part of your company name there as well, Andy, and one of the testimonials I've seen on your book, no more rent was from Daniel Hill, young property Entrepreneur of the Year and a member on interview for wealth talk. He said sometimes you do need to just hunker down. And as you say, remove some of those unnecessary expenses, perhaps and just really minimise the outgoings until you achieve that goal of perhaps your first deposit. Yeah, I think when you're doing for a purpose Christian, it actually becomes a bit of fun, you know, you actually look forward to be able to save this money here, save that money there. Because it's going to a real purpose, it's going towards My House buying fund. And because you so much want to buy that property, you actually can enjoy that that whole process. Well talk about purpose, a reason why you're a loving husband, a father a granddad as well, Andy. So it's without a doubt that those roles are really a driving force for you. And we have just launched wealth builds for families as well. So this is really pertinent timing, certainly for our community. Because we know, you know, Bank of mum or dad is not always available, right? So pleased that we're able to talk about this subject today. Yeah, it's good. I mean, I think it's lovely that mums and dads do want to help their children, which is lovely, I would want to do that as well. And I also think there's also sometimes we think about a legacy is coming to us, maybe our favourite arms or, or maybe a grandparent, or it could even be our parents that might one day leave us some phones, which is lovely. The challenge with that, I think is because it's a bittersweet thing, we would love to have the money to help us get onto the property ladder. But the other balancing side of that Christian is that we don't want the ultimate that they passed away in order to get that money. So we want to push well into the future where we get that money. But we can so do with that money right now. Because property prices today, even though as we've already talked about property prices are quite high, of course, in 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, there'll be even higher. So there's a way in a fine balance. One of the things I do talk about in the book is looking at ways as to how we can get money right now from our parents, grandparents favourite arms, but in a way that they can still be alive to see us doing something good with that money. And obviously putting it to very good use and not spending it wildly or whatever. Yeah, no, indeed. And your book is full of of different tips. And are there any things that we've not talked about? So far? Andy, anything else for first time buyers that they may need to consider? Yeah, I think the big thing to think about is that you do need to get yourself mortgage ready. And obviously, it's lovely if you can buy it for cash, but a lot of us can't buy a property for cash. But who knows that sort of legacy you might get left might mean you can buy your property for cash. But for most of us, it's about getting ourselves mortgage ready. And what do I mean by that? Well, you do need to think about your credit rating. Lots of us live on credit cards. There's nothing wrong with having credit card, but you need to think about the amount you're paying off if you're paying the minimum per month. Then when you come to get


Unknown Speaker  15:00  

to mortgage they will look at all of those factors and determine as to whether you can afford the house or not. And if you're living sort of on the maximum of your credit cards, then that wouldn't necessarily help you. So a few ways I can help you is to always think about paying more than the minimum, which is good. That means you're paying it down faster than you're adding to it. Lots of us will have 2345 cars, even more credit cards than that look to pay off credit cards, so you have only got one or two. The reason for that is that they look in the dentist or whether you are living off credit all of your life or whether mortgage would be the right thing for you. So to better pay off your credit cards, and only have one or two would be a good thing. The way to do that is to pay off the most expensive first, once you've paid that off, then of course, the money you were paying on that one, you can afford them to up what you're paying on the other credit cards, that means you pay them off sooner, when you pay that off, you can get even more than to pay off the other credit cards, and then the ones you've paid off, I would suggest that you cancel, even though they're at a zero balance that still strangely enough goes against you for credit rating. Because the mortgage lenders will look to say, well, I know you're only spending on let's say one or two cards, but you have got these two or three other ones with a zero balance. If we give you a mortgage today, you could then go out the next day and maximise on those three other cards to then obviously have not enough spending money. So I would suggest pay off your cards but then close down the cards as well to have just one or two. And just to be clear mortgage lenders love you having a credit card. And the reasons for that is that they know that you can manage your money, they know that you can manage credit, they know that you're managing it by paying it off. And ideally you want to have a zero balance every month by paying it off in full. I know they're a pinch points throughout the year where we maybe need to spread it over a month or two. But if they see you doing that, and they know that you're managing your your money that will help you to get a mortgage. Yeah, very helpful. Indeed. Thank you, Andy. Now property investors will always be looking at the market conditions and interest rates and all of these things. As we approach 2024. Perhaps it's slightly different for first time buyers, because they just want to own their first home, don't they? So in terms of timing, looking at 2024, any comments at all? Yeah, I mean, it's quite interesting, is it what's happening with the Bank of England base rate, the Bank of England base rate will determine the mortgage rates. And of course, at the moment, we're sort of seeing walked is a 5% 6%, maybe slightly more than that. And it's quite an interesting time. I remember when the Bank of England base rates, it was normally 6%, or 7%. I know that's a few years ago. And you know, so to me, the rates we've got right now are actually quite normal rates. Of course, we've lived because we had the bank crash of 2008 2009, where the government then and the Bank of England brought the base rate right down, it went as low as nought point 1% At one time, but mostly it was sort of around a quarter of a percent or half of 1% at that time, and we were used to those for really many, many years. So to have interest rates right now at 6%. I realise it's, it's higher than we'd been used to, but it is quite normal, I think we need to get used to interest rates being around this level, they will fluctuate a little bit less a little bit more. And so it's about budgeting to be able to get a property at that amount of money. Now, you then need to determine which house you could buy, maybe your first house is not your forever home, it might just be a stepping stone for you then to be able to add value to it. And we talk in the book about ways that you can add value to your property. So you are forcing the prices up. So someone else will come and buy that property. So in many ways is good to have a house that is a little bit rundown. And this is another interesting point, most of us want to live in a house that is perfect, we just move in with our furniture and have a lovely home. Well, I'm suggesting that maybe you buy the one that's looking a bit tired, you've been the one that people don't want to buy, because it's unloved. They're the ones you can buy the little bit cheaper, you can soon add value to it force the price to go up. But then you could then remark it onto a bigger product and move your way up that property ladder. And for 2024, I don't really see property prices changing an awful lot for where they are now, I don't know what it's like around the country where I live. Property prices did dip a little bit recently. But they've sort of flatlined a bit more, and I could see it just bobbing on a little bit through 2024. And I think we might even see then some growth, we go into 2025. So right now I think is a good time to be buying property. And there's another reason why I'm saying this Christian, is because a lot of the general public will be uncertain as to what's happening in the property market. And so therefore they won't be putting their properties on the market, and therefore they won't be moving home. And because they're not moving home, then people won't be able to sell their property wise so they will love you. If you're coming along them saying actually I'm interested in your buying your house, and they will then talk price because people are wanting to sell but there's not that many people wanting to buy so if you're in the market, wanting to buy this could be a great opportunity as we go into 2020 24 and beyond. Yeah, and I know there's many many more creative strategies just like that inside the book your brand new book, no more rent first time buyers key to unlocking home ownership. That's out now Andy, where should people


Unknown Speaker  20:00  

had to pick up a copy? Well, there's a couple of ways you can buy a copy one is directly from my website, which is no more rent.uk. Simply no more rent.uk. That's the best place to get it from, although it is available at Amazon, and it might be available in your local bookshop shop as well. That's fantastic. And for wealth builder listeners to the wealth talk podcast, I believe you put together a short audio recording, which gives us a taster of the first couple of chapters or so and we will make that available. If you'd like to download that head to wealth builders.co.uk forward slash two to two, today's episode number. So thank you for supplying us with that as well Andy delighted to offer that it's me narrating the book, from the very beginning through as to why I got involved in property and what the opportunity is in the marketplace right now, it goes up to sort of mostly part of chapter two, and he's about 29 minutes long, give you a real flavour for how you can use them by your own property. And of course, if it's not you, you might be on the property ladder already. Maybe you've got your children, your nieces, your nephews, or maybe it's sort of a friend or a neighbour that you know, you'd want to inspire to get on the property ladder. It really will help anybody wanting to get their their own first home. Yeah, and that's fantastic. Talk about the ripple effect. And I'm sure this will lead to helping many, many people. So good luck with the book, Andy, and we look forward to working with you much closer in 2024, you'd like to be part of wealth builders is my own pension with you. And, and you know, I'd like to inspire other people. But it's great being a part of something you've been able to give back as well. So thanks for having me here today, Christian.


Unknown Speaker  21:34  

Okay, good chatting to Andy, as always there, Kevin, and two really good tips that he's got in his book, we can pull out a few of those and discuss them a little bit further. But before we do that, let's head on over to Trustpilot and read out one of our latest reviews that we have received. And let me skim through here. And I know that there was one that caught my eye, which is from a Neil who says, What can I say since finding property education and the wealth builders Academy, I believe my biggest win today is the fact that I have found who I truly am as a person. And as an entrepreneur and property professional. I believe I am now truly living a life that is true to myself and my values. And I'm being able to express this through my calling, which is the property pillar. And I'd like to say a massive thank you to Mr. Kevin Whelan for the platform provided he shared vision and the values that he brings to wealth builders and also say a massive thank you to Christian rich coat and Helen, for all the support they've shown me over the first 12 months within the academy. And he's also saying he's become a compliant property agent. And he nearly forgot, we've raised around a million pounds in joint venture finance, and raised 500,000 pounds of development finance for our development company. So pretty good first 12 months for Neil there. You know, what I liked about Neil is he actually called me up to say thank you, you know, he reached out and said, you know, you've been, I've done my 12 months. And just to let you know, I'm renewing, because you guys are doing a great job. And I want to thank you personally, Kevin, for, for what you're doing. And I think it's great that they get to a point where they're, they're even attracting finance from other parties, they're so confident about their ambitions, about their drive, about their vision. And I think vision is critical when it comes to raising money from private finance. But also, as Andy was saying, you know, the vision of seeing yourself as a property owner and putting yourself in the right place to be able to almost get those three little ducks all lined up, got to get your ducks lined up when you're going to get in the property market. And we've been talking about some of those things, and good to see that Andy sharing some of our philosophies, not least things like debits, you know, plugging all the leaks in your life and getting that right. And sure, you can send a link to that, Chris, because debit is an important process for wealth builders, that helps people when they're getting started, really, which is perfect. For the first time buyers really,


Unknown Speaker  24:10  

we're launching a new one soon, which is called the income Maximizer many, many ways to be creative to find ways to increase your net take home pay, if you can do that, that's going to increase your mortgage capacity as well. And some really good tips on the use of credit cards, both the good and the bad. And those things came up in my book 2004 When I wrote that one called Save a fortune, where interest rates at the time, you know, were probably around six 7% But I remember when I bought my first property in 1984 interest rates were 15.4. So you know give it's a very, very different world. I don't think was


Unknown Speaker  25:00  

set for 0% naught point, one 1% interest rates for the future. So setting the affordability issue, it's going to be a key one, which is where the deposit side of things as Andy outlined, becomes critical. And it's hard, isn't it to save money for deposits and, and keep saving because by the time you catch up with a deposit, the property's already out of the reach, you know, so that's where bank of mum and dad become increasingly important. And the I'll be writing some materials in our, for our families content about bank of mum and dad and how to be the best possible bank of mum and dad and what the pros are, what the cons are, and how to get involved. If you don't really want to be just gifting money, lots of different ways, not least, you know, I was thinking about my own son buying a property with his girlfriend. Yeah, they want to keep their legal life separate with, you know, with proper declarations of trust and those sorts of things. So lots of things to learn and understand. But Andy does a good job of position now. If you're a regular listener to to wealth, talk and wealth builders material, then you'll know that our main focus is on helping our members to move from a place of financial insecurity through to security, and then onwards to financial independence. And that's all based around our model of the Seven Pillars of Wealth, Kevin seven assets that you can use to generate recurring income, and pillar number one we call home capacity. Now, I don't know if you know Kevin, but Spotify have now just added audiobooks to their repertoire. So as well as audible, you can now listen to audiobooks on Spotify, and I've been listening through the rich dad collection. And Rich Dad's one of his famous quotes is your home is not an asset. So I just want to throw this one out to your Kevin and see what your thoughts are on that comment. Well, I think there's never a definitive when it comes to wealth, because no matter how thin you slice anything, there are always two sides to it. So your home can be an asset, it can be an asset, even if you just want to live in it mortgage free like me, not necessarily from a recurring income point of view. But from a peace of mind point of view. And a quality of relationship point of view. Remember that wealth is a holistic part, it's about your financial wealth, your mental wealth, your physical health, your relationship wealth. So from a perspective of many people want to become mortgage free, that's great. However, in the context of where building wealth is concerned, I think for many people, the property becomes a potential asset, a latent asset, as I would call it, in really one of three main ways. One way is using the space, you know, finding the space that you have around you, whether it's inside and outside, and creating space that you can rent or create some kind of value from. And we've got many, many of our wealth builder clients of members have done that. Secondly, the ability, once you build equity, you get a gap between the value of the property and the value of any mortgage, if a mortgage exists, then you tap into that to raise deposits, for other property, for example, which then gets you accumulating properties and asset in all of its different types. And the third is, well, it could even be older people, baby boomers, like me, you know, when they get to a certain point when they've got properties with no mortgages on them? Do they tap into that equity either for themselves to create an income stream? Because they didn't do a great job with their retirement planning and wealth planning generally? Or do they want to raise capital from that to help the Bank of mum and dad and potentially reduce inheritance tax as well? So lots of different ways, Chris, that property can be considered an asset. But you know, I can't argue with Roberts view, which is, it's not an asset while it isn't putting money into your life. And I get that. And I think the point that Andy's picked up on which is really the the generational shift between the baby boomers, when we have the silent generation, the ones older, those in their 80s. Now probably, you know, didn't talk about money. The baby boomers did the best job of accumulating largely with final salary, pensions and taking advantage of property increases in value. And then the millennials who've kind of largely been forgotten and finally a much tougher and they've seen a life almost completely around uncertainty. They see uncertainty everywhere they look, and that can cause them a challenge and Andy makes the point that many people want to rent for the transient nature of that, but also


Unknown Speaker  30:00  

There's that feeling of uncertainty, where do you want to be? How do you want to be, and maybe they feel like they'll never get on the ladder. So it's also, there's no requirement to you don't have to own a home to be wealthy, you could be perfectly happy with a higher level of recurring income. But some of that recurring income paying rent, because you pay for your life, from the recurring income of the assets you own. So if that happens to be rent, that's fine. But I think the vast majority people on this sceptre dial, you know, really want to own their property, we seem to have a love affair with property. And I understand that, because I wanted to do that in my 20s. And, and sort of people now, but that age is being pushed back and back and back, isn't it? Really? Yes. And as Andy mentioned, this book isn't just aimed at the young generation, but also ex service people. And also recognising that there is a gender pay gap. And some women may find it harder as well to get mortgages and to build up deposits. Inevitably the case, and I think he makes a really good point about that, not least when you think also about high levels of divorce rates, and so on, then people can be single parents, and they can be on their own very quickly. And that can cause you know, challenges with finances too. So I think he makes some very good points. And it's a good book, and it's good timing. I think he's offered to help build the members are kind of a sneak peek as an as a little kind of peek behind the curtain to see if you like him. And I think we Well, obviously we like him. We've worked with Andy before. And we know what a lovely guy and a very humble and generous man he is to. Absolutely yeah, so you can download that the sneak peek there 29 minute recording there of the first couple of chapters at two wealth builders.co.uk forward slash two to two. And also check the show notes and hit to that URL to download a copy of Kevin's book save for Fortune which was 20 year anniversary next year then Kevin maybe I never thought about that till now when I just realised when time for an update comes to that. I need to do an update, don't I? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I get AI to help me, I think that's going to be the way to do that. If we can get that downloaded Chris into into AI, and then rewritten with a 21st century twist to it. And that will be a perfect way to show people that AI can be a, you know, a great assistant to what you're trying to do. And that's another issue. We'll be tackling in the future as well, Chris, which is, you know, what AI? Do you fear it? Or do you embrace it? And these are challenging times for our young people and for us to an AI is going to have a big role to play. Yeah, it sure is. Okay, we hope you enjoyed listening to today's episode. If you know someone who may benefit then please hit the share button. And Kevin will be back Same time, same place next week. So yeah.


Unknown Speaker  32:55  

We hope you enjoy today's episode. Don't forget that we are constantly updating our resources inside the wealth builders membership site to help you create, build and protect your wealth. Head over to wealth builders.co.uk/membership right now for free access. That's wealth builders.co.uk/membership