WealthTalk - money, wealth and personal finance.

The Young Entrepreneur Smart Start Program w/ Denise Pitot

Episode Notes

In this week’s episode of WealthTalk, we interview Denise Pitot from the ActionCoach Foundation, who discusses the importance of educating the next generation to become successful business owners.

They have created the Young Entrepreneur Smart Start (YESS) program, which aims to give young people the right business education and increase their chances of success. 

The program covers topics such as mindset, the five ways and six steps of business success, marketing, and creating a business plan. 

The goal is to educate 1,000 children each month and create a global network of young entrepreneurs. 

Tune in to learn more about educating your children for success in the business world and discover the benefits of the ‘YESS program’.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

>> Young Entrepreneur Smart Start (YESS) Program

>> Denise Pitot [LinkedIn]

>> Enter ActionCoach’s £1M business giveaway

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Episode Transcription

Christian Rodwell (00:02.018)

purpose of Wealth Talk is to educate, inform and hopefully entertain you on the subject of building your wealth. Wealth Builders recommends you should always take independent financial, tax or legal advice before making any decisions around your finances. Today's episode is brought to you by Wealth Builders Membership, a proven step -by -step process that helps you achieve financial security within two to three years. find out more, head to wealthbuilders .co .uk forward slash membership.


Welcome to this week's episode of Wealth Talk. My name is Christian Rodwell, the Memorship Director for Wealth Builders, joined today by our founder, Mr. Kevin Whelan. Hello, Kevin. Hi, Chris. Good to be with you again. And what an interesting story we've got to explore today. Indeed. Yeah. Coming back from summer breaks and hopefully our listeners have enjoyed their summers. And indeed we have as well, Kevin, taking time as we do during the summer just to reassess and look at a business ready for a full charge in towards the end of the year.


I love that and I always like to come back refreshed, recharged and ready to go with a probably a new acronym somewhere. And I'll be sharing something soon on that one. yeah, always, always great to have a little bit of break. You need that, you know, you need to genuinely recharge your batteries. So nice to have something almost related to the children and there's some holidays today. Isn't it? Yeah, kind of back to school theme today. And if you've been a listener,


of Wealth Talk for a long time. might remember back in March 2022, where we interviewed the founder of Action Coach, Mr. Brad Sugars. And Action Coach is of course the world's number one business coaching franchise, which he started in 1993. And they work with adults, obviously Kevin, business owners. However, today we've got Denise Pito, who's heading up the Action Coach Foundation.


And their goal is to take the core elements of the Action Coach model and teach and provide that for free to children between the ages of 12 to 22 so that they can turn their ideas into real life businesses for themselves. And what a great idea that is too. And it's something that's very close to our heart. And we know it's close to the heart of many of the people we have really great strategic relationships, people like Simon Zucci and so on. We mentioned him before.


Christian Rodwell (02:23.15)

But I think it's very powerful. We've seen a lot of kids get their results recently and some of them will be moving on to new schools or new colleges or new universities and so on. But the focus always seems to be about jobs and job seeking and job hunting and careers counseling. There doesn't seem to be any counseling that talks about being an entrepreneur as a genuine career option. And I think the foundation


which is really about teaching some of those entrepreneurial skills. And of course there are some very solid foundations in action coach. know, the two messages I always pick up when I speak to Brad, one is, you know, build a commercially profitable enterprise that works without you. And that's a laudable thing. We add the recurring income theme, of course, which is important. But the other is the purpose of a business to give you more life. And for most people, they work in a job.


for so long, they never become financially independent even after 40 years of work. So if you can build that and teach those skills to a young person, so they can be financially independent in their 30s or 40s and set them up for life, why wouldn't you give that a thought? Absolutely. And we created a foundational program for families. We launched that at the end of last year and that's available for all of our members. But today, Denise is going to talk more around


the business pillar and having those initial business ideas, how to create a business plan at a young age, have a vision. And they've created the Young Entrepreneur Smart Start program. And if you're a parent now and you think you'd be interested perhaps in your child getting involved, then stay tuned because we'll be sharing details at the end of the interview with Denise as to how you can apply. So I guess let's turn to head over and listen to our conversation today with Denise Pito.


I'm very pleased to be joined by Denise Pitot from the Action Coach Foundation today. Hi, Denise. Hi, Christian. Great to be here. I'm absolutely top of the world, excited to be able to share with you today. Yeah, it's a really, really good subject that we're talking about today, something that's certainly close to our hearts as well, which is education for the whole family. But today we're really looking at the next generation, the children, and how we can start to educate them and help them to become...


Christian Rodwell (04:47.98)

the business owners of Tomorrow and the Action Coach Foundation is doing some amazing stuff in this area. So glad to have you on. Let's talk about the foundation then. So how did you become involved with the foundation, Denise, and tell us a bit more about it? Yeah, the foundation, it's certainly something very exciting. And I'm so privileged and proud to be part of the Action Coach Foundation. I started with them six months ago. I have an Action Coach in South Africa when I had businesses in South Africa.


And when I knew I was moving to the UK, I said to my coach, don't you have any contacts in the UK? And he connected me with Ian Kristolow. So I had a meeting with Ian and Julie and subsequently got this job. And they said, we're going to put you into the Action Coach Foundation. And was the first time I'd really heard about it. The foundation at the moment in the UK is really at ground level. So we, you know, when I took it over in January, we needed to go through the whole process of setting up a board, setting up.


everything to do with the foundation, all the documentation, everything that goes with it. I'm really proud to say that we're at a stage now where we're ready to lift off and do our first educating of young people in the UK. you've created what you're calling the YES program, Y -E -S -S. I'm sure that's an acronym that stands for something, right? It is because you spell YES with a double S for us. It's the Young Entrepreneur Smart Start program.


So we believe that we're giving a smart start to young budding entrepreneurs. And certainly the stats in the UK, which I believe are global stats anyway, that startup businesses have a very poor success rate. And we believe that if we can give young people the right kind of business education, we can give them the right start and just make them that much more likely to succeed. And so, I mean, our goal is to change the future economy of the UK.


You have quite a specific goal, don't you, which is to educate 1 ,000 children each month. And as you said, you're right at the starting point now. So it's a very exciting phase. And what age groups in particular is this focused at? We educate between 12 and 22 year olds. I'm going to be doing the first cohort now in September, as I mentioned. So we'll be starting, we will have two age groups running 12 to 15 and 16 to 22.


Christian Rodwell (07:10.862)

And I'm looking forward to testing it and seeing how it goes. You globally, these are the age groups that Action Coach Foundation educates. And I'm curious to see firsthand, I've gotten almost 12 year olds. So I'm curious to see how she engages with the program as opposed to a 22 year old. I'm curious to see how their ideas about business are different, how sort of their enthusiasm might be different at different ages. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to.


to finding out a whole lot about how this program is going to help children at different stages and different journeys of their sort of business career. And those that don't have any idea that they want to go into business as well. You know, I just think it's great information for them to learn. They're all going to have households that they're running and have budgets, you know, that they need to manage and have aspirations for whatever it is that they want to do. Before you tell us bit more about


how the program works, what actual topics and subjects will be covered and perhaps over what period of time that's going to be. This of course is based on the foundations that the Action Coach franchise, which was started and founded by Brad Sugar many years ago. fact, maybe you know, but we certainly had Brad as a guest on.


the Wealth Talk podcast back on episode 145, so some time ago now. Brad's just such an enigmatic, amazing character, so knowledgeable. The foundations of Action Coach, of course, are about fundamentals, five ways and sales and marketing. Will some of those elements be brought through into the training that you're providing for the children here? Absolutely.


We would be doing a disservice if we didn't because this is the global award -winning strategy that we teach. The foundation just aims the content at a younger audience. So where our coaches are coaching adults, we'll be focusing on the youth and the content is tailored to attract them, to meet their, that they can work with it and they can deal with it. But absolutely.


Christian Rodwell (09:20.854)

The first four weeks, we're just talking mindset. So that's something that every young person can benefit from. So in those first four weeks, we talk about getting your mindset right. Because as a business owner, if you're not in the right headspace, you're not going to be successful anyway, are you? So we certainly spend a lot of time doing that. And then yes, we do. go into the five ways and six steps of business success, certainly covering marketing. They'll have a vision board.


And by the end of it, they will have a business plan. So if they do have a business, they are ready to go and ask for finance and a video pitch. it's, yeah, it's quite comprehensive. It's a 12 week program. And then of course, at the end of it, once they graduate, they'll get access to Brad's content for the next six months. So I mean, that in itself is huge. what's, what's the,


the goal then at the end of that, it's that as you say, they will have a pitch, they'll have a business plan, they'll have a clear vision. depending obviously on whether they're at the younger end, perhaps the 12 year olds are not going to be in a position perhaps to start a business right there and then, but certainly they've got the wheels turning about thinking about ideas and certainly having a different perspective on how they see things. But certainly for those leaving perhaps school.


or those at university, they're in a position where, you know, actually getting a business up and running is the next stage. So the network, I imagine, that comes with this is going to be invaluable, not just the people that they'll be meeting on the course itself, but then opening up to what you say is a global network, right? So not just the Action Coach Foundation in the UK, but across the world. Absolutely. And it's something that I am so excited about because I think back to myself as a


when I was a young person and just starting, I was a dance teacher and I started sewing leotards and selling leotards. you know, I was quite entrepreneurial at a young age. And I just think that if I had had access to people around the world of my age group and they had similar sort of ideas, what kind of a difference that could have made to me. So this is an opportunity for all the young graduates that are coming through our Yes program. They will be part of the global


Christian Rodwell (11:39.862)

Yes, community. And they'll be able to meet with young people from America, from Jamaica, from South Africa, Lithuania, all over the world. And who knows what doors that could open. Yeah, just engaging with them, interacting with them, sharing ideas with them. And then if you do have a business idea and need assistance, my gosh, you've got the whole world at your fingertips.


That's the thing, isn't it? In the last two, three decades since perhaps we were at school and growing up, the opportunities available now compared to then are just immense. Technology, social media, accessibility, the internet, right? Just having everything at your fingertips, which we didn't have then. However, whilst all of that has changed and made it so more accessible, but easy for young people to start businesses,


They literally just need a social media profile now and a TikTok shop and that's it. They'd be making money straight away with a PayPal account. However, the school system and the education system hasn't really advanced at that same pace, has it? And they're pretty much teaching the same amount of business education, financial education, which is close to nothing. of course, we're not aiming at any sort of attack at the schools or teachers, but we know that


they're slow to move and to change with the times. However, I know that part of the work that you're doing, Denise, is very much going to be aimed at working with schools. So tell me, how do you see yourself approaching that? I'm hoping that as soon as the schools and I think the first schools who come on board are going to have a huge advantage. If we can engage with the schools and show them that we have the content, the content's free. We have the content, we have the workbooks, we do the marking, we do


everything around the course except the delivery of the material. So the course is designed that it's video content that the students watch. It's about an hour a week. So it'll be a 10 minute video and then a little quiz and then another eight minute video and ask some questions, know, do a little homework. There's a workbook that they can work through. And then once a week,


Christian Rodwell (14:03.65)

The idea is that they sit with a facilitator. Now, obviously, the first cohorts that we put through, I'll be doing those and I'll be doing those virtually. So they'll be online. But the idea is with the school that the students are at school. So it's so much better to meet in person. And if they've got a teacher at school, they can meet with the teacher. So as a group, the teacher sits with them for half an hour to an hour once a week, asks questions, just gauges for understanding, making sure that they've


completed the homework that was, you know, the week's work that was that hour that was meant to be done, make sure that they understand what they've learned. And that's it, you know, that's the sum of the involvements that I need from the school is just that one hour, once a week, the course content is actually nine weeks, and then there's three weeks catch up. So at the absolute worst case scenario, I need nine weeks from the teacher of


half an hour to an hour. And like I say, we'll give them all the content and everything. even give them examples. So there's really not much research, not much prep that needs to be done ahead of time. So that's what I need from the schools. I would just love them to get excited about wanting to give this education to their students so that their students go out and can be more successful business owners. And if we have successful business owners, we've got employers and we'll have...


people employed will have a better turnover, will have a more successful UK. Well, we've had previous guests on the podcast, Denise, who are managing to kind of infiltrate the schools and to get in there. I think we can definitely make some introductions for you there to work collaboratively with them as well. Coming back to how the action coaches can get involved. And I think part of your vision is that the action coaches can become mentors in some


capacity as this grows as well, right? I mean, it's really important if we're working with young people, their safety is of utmost concern. So, you know, this is one of the reasons why we want to work with the schools. The schools have got all the DBS checks done. You know, they're familiar with working with children. They know how to engage with the children in terms of, you know, speaking to the the young people in a way that they can understand what's being said. Our coaches are absolutely incredible coaches.


Christian Rodwell (16:27.112)

world -class coaches and they work with adults. So the idea is that they mentor a facilitator. The facilitator is the teacher, whether it's a youth leader or a teacher, you know, as long as the DBS checks are done and they will work with the children, the mentors or the action coaches will just be there to guide the facilitator. So


Some of the terminology is action coach, obviously, because it's our content. And so if they needed assistance with understanding what that meant or how it's important, how it's relevant, then the coach would be there in the capacity as a mentor to help make sure that the right message is given to the young people. looking at, again, how you got into this yourself and you mentioned some time spent in Mauritius.


You went there with your husband and you set up the Mauritius Business Network. How did that come about as well for you, Denise? You know, Christian, I am a huge believer in networking. You know, I think there is no substitute for meeting people in person. And I was very involved. It's funny because, you know, when you say at school, you know, what we learn at school and that sort of thing. When I left school, I didn't even know what networking was. You know, it wasn't even a thing. It wasn't even in my


I don't even know if it was a thing back then. once I started networking, once I learned about the power of networking, I just absolutely was addicted to it because you're just meeting new people all the time. You're building solid relationships with people and helping. When I did leave South Africa and went to Mauritius, I knew nobody, a few family members. And you don't want to lean on family when you're in a new country. So


I was like, my gosh, I know nobody. There's no networking organizations. There were no formal networks. So I just put a post on Facebook and said, would anyone like to network with me? I'm going to, let's talk business. know, come meet me for a coffee at a local coffee shop. And 50 people arrived to talk about business. And it was just lucky that I had, because I had been involved in networking, I knew the agenda and I thought.


Christian Rodwell (18:49.006)

had all this prepared. And so when 50 people arrived, it was no problem. I was all ready with my what we had to do and what we had to say. And it wasn't many months after that that I decided I'd better start it as a business. And that was when Mauritius Business Network was born. And it was incredible just starting it from the ground up because obviously having been involved with networking previously.


everything was established. So here I had to start it from the beginning, much like I'm doing with Action Coach Foundation now, setting the whole, you know, all the documentation, all the processes and everything just on my own. And what happened to the network when you left Mauritius? I sold the network. So we were 400 members at the time when I sold and then came over here and my family have just joined me. So I've been in the UK six months before.


They joined me. They've been here just over a month now. They fortunately came over in summer, leaving Mauritius. I left Mauritius and came over in the middle of winter. baptism of fire. Yeah. But you're no stranger to working with high achieving business people. You've been doing this for over 25 years and I'm you on the spot there. What's your definition of an entrepreneur Denise? An entrepreneur is someone who has a vision.


has an idea, has an idea that's going to make them money. And they just will do anything to make that work. They work the length of hours, they put the energy, they put their blood, sweat and tears, whatever is needed to make it work. It's not just somebody who wants to start a business. It's more than that. Someone who's gonna put their heart, their blood, their sweat, their tears into.


making it work. There's no option for failure. That's an entrepreneur. I like it. do you feel that, you know, those, I'm sure who are listening now and feeling and saying yes, you know, in their heads now, yes, that's me, I've got a vision, I'm passionate, you know, I won't stop until I've given it my all to make this work. Do you think that naturally rubs off on your children?


Christian Rodwell (21:09.582)

that mindset, that kind of go -getter attitude. And, you know, of course some children, they will receive that and they'll be excited by it. Others just might, it might not be their thing, right? You can't push it upon them. But do you feel that that energy, it does pass on? I want to believe that it does. I really want to believe that it does. I mean, I look at my daughter now, she's almost 12 and she's only been in the country for five weeks and she started a business.


Brilliant. What's her business? Her business is The Little Elves. And she went door to door to all the, there's a lot of old people that live in our neighborhood. And you can imagine her and our neighbor, who's also a 12 year old, it's these two young girls knocking on all the doors and handing over flyers that say, we're The Little Elves and we'll do all the jobs that you don't want to.


So we'll pull up weeds, we'll wash your car, we'll wash your dishes, we'll take your dog for a walk, we'll wash the dog. They've actually done really well for themselves in the school holidays, earning themselves pocket money. mean, this was just over the last five weeks. So in one way, I want to think, yes, it does rub off. But I think that it's, for a lot of young people, it comes too easy when their parents are entrepreneurs and


are successful and, sometimes it's too easy and then they're not forced into that. So I think that there's a balance between some that, that just have that drive and some that don't, but I'd like to believe that seeing your parents as successful business owners does give them a little bit more ambition to want to do it. Whether it gives them that drive, I'm not sure, but the want or the desires there, but whether that


that drive, don't know, through the Yes program and getting the mindset right. I'm hoping also by being someone outside that's teaching the children, know, so very often as parents, we'll say one thing to our children and it just goes, in, straight out. They don't always want to hear it from us, but hopefully they do retain some of it. But yeah, I'm not, I'm not.


Christian Rodwell (23:33.09)

completely convinced that it is handed down to your children. And what's the relationship between the parents and the children when it comes to the Yes program? will the parents be involved in some way? Are you encouraging the children to share what they've learned with their parents? I hope so. I really hope so. mean, the parents are so important because we need their support to help encourage


the youth to stay on this program to complete it. You know, it's not easy. They're going to be at school. They've got their schoolwork to do. Then I'm asking them to do another hour of extra work a week, plus meet with a facilitator. It's a lot extra. Plus they've got their sports and whatever outside activities they do and their friends. And it's not a small ask. So we really do need the support of the parents. And I think the more that the parents show an enthusiasm for what they're learning,


the more they'll want to share with their parents and the more they'll want to do it so that they can teach their parents some of the ways that they're learning. And certainly at the graduation, we will invite the parents to come along. And I would love to see, you know, if we could do a graduation in person at a school and have the parents there showing their support, seeing, you know, the pride on the parents' faces, their child goes up to receive a Business Basics certificate.


That's immense. That's critical, actually. So yes, we do need the parents' support. I guess just to finalize things then, Denise, we talk about wealth giving you freedom in life. And there are many types of freedom, of course, the financial freedom, but time freedom, location freedom, like you going over to Mauritius and enjoying the lifestyle there, being able to work and relax and have that choice. But a business that gives you freedom.


must be a business that works without you, right? And Brad's definition of a business is a commercial profitable enterprise that works without you. So will that fundamental be passed on to the children that ultimately a business is there to serve you and that you don't want to become the slave to the business? Absolutely. I mean, this is when we need to instill this message at a young age so that they can...


Christian Rodwell (25:51.564)

Obviously they'll need to work in their business to get their business off the ground. And because they're young, they've got lots that they need to learn as well through doing it themselves. But, you know, if we look at some of the graduates, the past graduates that have gone on to be really successful entrepreneurs, they have definitely put into practice this concept of a business that works without you, because that's when we can really grow our wealth. So yes, it's a...


It's the message that's put in right from now, from this Yes program, absolutely. So if anyone who's listening right now, Denise, would like to find out more, to apply to enroll their children into the September cohort, or if they can't make that one, or if that gets filled up, then the next cohort that follows that. Where is the best place to go? I know you've created a special link for us. So would it be click that link and then what will be the process?


Yes, absolutely. So if they click that link, they'll fill in a short application and then we get started. So don't worry if they don't have a business idea. It's not critical. What is critical is that we have young people between the ages of 12 and 22 who understand that there is a possibility that they could be a business owner with the right information at their fingertips. So we want to give them that information. So if they have a desire, if somebody wants to go into hairdressing,


They can be a fantastic hairdresser, but without the right business basics information, it's hard to be an owner operated hairdresser. know, everybody, doesn't matter what line of business you want to go into. If you want to work for somebody else, still sign up, learn the business basics. We're looking for young people between the ages of 12 and 22 who are in the UK or live in the UK and who would like to go through the program. Click the link.


sign up if it's a school or a school governor or somebody who's involved with young people in some way. They can reach out to me as well. May I share my email address? Yes, of course. So it would be Denise Poteau, spelled Denise D -N -I -S -E P -I -T -O -T at actioncoach .co .uk. Yeah, they're welcome to reach out to me as well. I'm looking for facilitators. I'm looking for students.


Christian Rodwell (28:19.796)

And of course, if anybody would like to donate to charity, that would be amazing as well. And let's just mention that. So is there any cost at all for someone to enroll in this program? The program is absolutely free. So we don't charge anything. do fundraise to because there is a cost to us to educate the children.


am asking if they're in a position to give a voluntary contribution, that would be amazing. But if they're not, no problem. Every child, until we've got no money in our bank account, every child will receive the education because we want them to be successful entrepreneurs one day. So just contact me. Yeah. And as a foundation, you are in the process of setting this up to be a charity.


Right. And as you say, you'll be raising money, you'll be fundraising in order to grow and be able to achieve that goal of educating a thousand children every month, which is absolutely incredible. Absolutely. And I think, you know, if there are any businesses out there that would like to do an ongoing sort of 10 kids a month, I won't turn that away. Brilliant. Denise, thanks so much for coming and sharing with us today. We're really


proud and pleased to be working alongside and supporting you with this project. yeah, I'm sure we'll speak again very soon. absolutely thrilled. Thank you for the opportunity. Thanks, Christian.


Christian Rodwell (29:50.466)

Really enjoyed speaking with Denise there. yeah, as you said beforehand, a lot of resonance between our message and Denise's at the Action Coach Foundation. So before we dive into some of those, Kevin, let's head on over to Trustpilot and read out one of the reviews that has come in this week. This one comes in from Ms. Davies, who goes on to say, Wealthbuilders was recommended to me earlier this year after an introductory session with Kevin Whelan, brackets and lightning.


Julie Cummings has assisted me with my application for a SaaS pension. And I want to make a special mention of this experience because I have to say that I'm incredibly impressed with the excellent personal interaction and unwavering support that I've received from Julie. The SaaS application was a steep learning curve for me, yet Julie consistently showed immense patience as well as providing clear explanations throughout this application process. Julie's support in assisting me to secure my SaaS


been nothing short of exceptional. She has really made me feel reassured every step of the way and confident that I made the right choice in using Wealthbuilders. Well, I mean, it's brilliant to get acknowledgement for Wealthbuilders as a company for our ethics, for our integrity. But isn't it just amazing when someone of our team members, not an entrepreneur, not someone who's building or owning the business, but somebody who resonates inside the business and is getting an outstanding


no to mention and we picked that up and we celebrated that in our own way inside the business and well done Julie and well done the rest of the team who sometimes go unsung and of course every business has on some heroes in there not just the owners the founders and those who've got the visionary face of the business if you like so well done Julie


Okay, so let's look at some of the things that Denise was talking about there, Kevin. I think, you know, it reminded me of when we were, you know, looking at how to best set up and launch the Wealth Builder for Families program, because we were looking at, know, who do we aim this at? Do we aim this at children? Do we aim it at parents? Do we aim it at the schools? And Denise is looking to cooperate with schools. She's hoping that they will be facilitators within the schools and then the action coach.


Christian Rodwell (32:09.592)

Coaches themselves can mentor and pass on and create that structure. you know, there comes some challenges with the education system. We've talked about this many times on previous podcasts, Kevin, you know, hopefully with the power of Action Coach, the international global business that this is, they will be able to make some headway in the UK with the schools. you know, I think it's a laudable thing to do. We made the decision very clearly that we would continue to teach adults, that we wouldn't get involved in the teaching.


of the children for two good reasons really. One, we believe that to be a great teacher you have to understand things and you have to secure your own oxygen mask first, so to speak, Chris. And the second is we didn't really feel it was right to take some form of forum or some form of online or offline work to deal directly with children themselves.


We just thought it's best that the parents do that and then we provide the inspiration and some of the education to help them build and pass on wisdom in their own way. You remember we encourage all of our business owners or families to create the wealth business, their family wealth business. And we help that by giving them that inspiration of creating that, name that truly inspires the whole family, that they'll rally around together. I think this is a more formal way.


of trying to bring entrepreneurship in that foundation to a much wider audience. I think getting the cooperation of schools as difficult as it may be, I mean, it's free of charge. It's actually backed by a great organization and the coaches themselves seem to be very willing and I've spoken to many action coaches, they want help. And indeed, so would we. So if this gets the traction we expect it to get.


we'd be more than happy to put some of our time for free to help mentor some younger people to be able to create businesses of their own. And we're so much looking forward to that and seeing the, I suppose the creativity that still lies within our kids that our education system sometimes dulls them a little. And so that creativity is great. And you'll see that in some of our members who


Christian Rodwell (34:32.28)

have young children who demonstrate that entrepreneurial spirit, that willingness to want to do something and add value. And I think Denise mentioned her own daughter too, didn't she? She did the little elves that were knocking on doors. It was fantastic. And we hear many of those stories within the wealth builders community, really good habits to, to get your children just confidence building as well. You know, it's not just about making money, but of course, understanding, you know, the power of exchange of time and money and a young age, you know,


putting in work, getting feedback, all of those good benefits that come with that. And the different age groups is something we also deliberated over, Kevin, because the message that you aim at a 12 -year -old around financial education is very different to that of a 13, a 16, an 18 -year -old. And of course, that's something that Denise needs to consider as well. It's a tough one, that one. Do remember we interviewed the brilliant people at GoHenry, and they struggled with this one as well, know, with the age at which to start.


There's so much evidence that the formative years of a child and their habits and their opinions and their sort of, I suppose, their judgments start to be formed around the seven, eight years of age mark. And so I think that's the time to start teaching principles. I'm not sure it's the right age for entrepreneurship, but it is the right age for participation, which is one of the values we have in our principles of the wealth builders family program.


one of the principles is participation. even just doing something, know, all kids have got busy lives, like parents have got busy lives, schools, after school clubs, homework, you name it, I'm sure they've got it. But putting a little bit of time to participate, sometimes just not necessarily for money, you said, just giving back, giving something to older members of the family or giving something to the local community where you're giving something that generosity starts to.


become an important part. see so much in the news, don't we, the lack of good spirit, the lack of generosity. So to encourage that in our young people, very laudable thing, but a difficult one to get into a program. And I wish Denise and the rest of the whole Action Coach community every success with their attempt to make this work. And we'd like to support in any way we can. Absolutely. So once again, the link.


Christian Rodwell (36:55.882)

If you would like to find out more about the Yes program, that's the Young Entrepreneur Smart Start program, then do click on the show notes from today and you'll be able to apply really simple application process and then Denise and her team will respond to you. yeah, we'll be back, Kevin, with more wealth talk in the coming weeks, but until next week. Yeah, till then, my friend. I'll see you. You've flopped your lines. You've been away too long, haven't you?


Christian Rodwell (37:29.528)

We hope you enjoy today's episode. Don't forget that we are constantly updating our resources inside the WealthBuilders membership site to help you create, build and protect your wealth. Head over to wealthbuilders .co .uk slash membership right now for free access. That's wealthbuilders .co .uk slash membership.