WealthTalk - money, wealth and personal finance.

7 Assets To Generate Future Income

Episode Summary

Kevin Whelan & Christian Rodwell delve into the importance of focusing on generating income from assets to create financial security for yourself and your family. The episode highlights 'The 7 Pillars of Wealth', identifying key assets that can be leveraged to generate streams of income. Whether you're a business owner, employed individual, or at any stage of your wealth-building journey, this episode provides valuable insights on building and maximizing asset income.

Episode Notes

The only way to create financial security for yourself and your family is to focus on generating income from assets that you either own or control.

WealthBuilders has identified seven assets, known as 'The 7 Pillars of Wealth'. 

In today’s WealthTalk episode, Kevin goes into detail on how you can identify the assets which you currently have in your life and those which you could leverage and begin to generate streams of income.

Whether you're a business owner who's trading time for money, or you're currently employed and looking to supplement your income, and whether you're at the beginning of your wealth-building journey, or you've already begun to build some asset income, you won’t want to miss this episode.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

>> 7 Pillars of Wealth [Free eBook Download]

Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

>> Join the WealthBuilders Facebook Community

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